Introduction to Technology  (Grade 8)

A course that introduces the student to the materials, tools, and processes of the furniture and cabinetmaking industry. The course includes safety and operational practices for both hand tools and power machines used in the woodwork industry.




*The following three classes are the woodworking side of the pathway to take in order*




Cabinetmaking & Furniture Design I  (Grades 9-12)

This course teachings the basic principles of design, manufacturing, and using AutoCad software. This course will also cover the safe and proper use of woodworking machines and hand tools. The students will make a nightstand of coffee table.



Cabinetmaking & Furniture Design II  (Grades 10-12)

A yearlong course, which continues to develop the student’s skill and knowledge of the cabinet making & furniture design industry. Students will construct a project of their choosing.



Advanced Woodworking  (Grades 11-12)

A progressive application level course furthering the study of woodworking principles. Students will use a wide variety of woodworking tools, machines, and processes to complete a capstone project designed and built by them.






Drafting & Clover Carpentry  (Grades 11-12)

This class functions as a woodworking business. Students will design and complete projects for customers, and develop the soft skills needed to operate a business.



Geometry in Construction  (Grades 11-12)

This class is a math and construction class. Students will learn math principles and their real world applications in the construction industry. Students will end the year with an NCCER Carpentry 1 certification.