English I  (Grade 9)

In English I, students will develop skills in reading, writing, and speaking through four key units: Against All Odds, Crime Scenes, Love and Loss, and Freedom at All Cost. These units include a range of both fiction and nonfiction. Throughout the year, students engage in both short and more sustained writings, such as argumentative and career research. In addition, students study grammar and vocabulary with each text. We will be developing our annotation skills as we make notes directly in our textbooks.



English IA (Grade 9)

For Advanced English I, students will engage at an accelerated pace with more independent practice. In Advanced English I, students will develop skills in reading, writing, and speaking through four key units: Against All Odds, Crime Scenes, Love and Loss, and Freedom at All Cost. These units include a range of both fiction and nonfiction. Throughout the year, students engage in both short and more sustained writings, such as argumentative and career research. In addition, students study grammar and vocabulary with each text. We will be developing our annotation skills as we make notes directly in our textbooks using the Notice & Note.



English II  (Grade 10)

The emphasis of English II is on improving all communication skills. Students read and interpret a variety of literature including Julius Caesar, Our Town, “Letter From Birmingham Jail,” and To Kill A Mockingbird. Students study language registers and the History of our English Language. We review grammar skills to improve their writing, with an emphasis on sentence development and punctuation. Essay writing includes narrative, informative, persuasive writing, with several short research assignments. There is  an emphasis on citations, works cited, and annotated bibliographies. Vocabulary emphasis is on academic vocabulary along with roots, prefixes, and suffixes.



English IIA (Grade 10)

The curriculum is similar to English II with an emphasis on moving at an accelerated pace, and with more independent work and practice.  Besides the English II literature, students will also read 1984 and several nonfiction selections. There will be an emphasis on practice for the ACT. Use of resources to find correct English usage and formatting rules will be encouraged. Additional writing will be required. Vocabulary will include a more extensive list of academic vocabulary words.



English III  (Grade 11)

English Language Arts III builds on reading strategies and communication skills learned in English II. Students will read and analyze a variety of literary and informational texts. Major texts include The Crucible and The Great Gatsby, which will be read primarily in group settings. In-class discussions are expected weekly to continue developing verbal communication skills and analyzing larger themes of the texts. Students will continue to develop writing skills, focusing on grammar, clarity, and using appropriate language registers.



English IIIA  (Grade 11)

English Language Arts IIIA focuses on analyzing larger themes from various novels and texts (including but not limited to: The Crucible and The Great Gatsby) and applying them to real-world issues. Students will also read and analyze a variety of shorter literary and informational texts. Reading is expected to be done independently at an accelerated pace. Students will continue to develop writing skills, focusing on grammar, clarity, and using appropriate language registers.



English IV  (Grade 12)

The focus of English IV is to develop writing, grammar, research and literary analysis skills. Course topics include MLA format, resumes and college admissions essays, Hamlet, The Canterbury Tales, satire, rhetorical devices, argumentative essays, and choice book circles.




Speech  (Grades 9-12)

Students will begin the course working on interpersonal communication skills. As the semester progresses, they will write and deliver speeches for a variety of situations in life, including the use of technology in at least one speech. The speaking and listening standards will be the emphasis of this course.





College Courses




College English Comp I-II $  (Grade 12)

College Comp I and College Comp II are each three hours of college credit and are basic requirements for most college degrees. This is a concurrent course fulfilling requirements for both an English credit for high school and college credit. Taking the course in a controlled high school environment will give the student and parent an indicator of future success in college.


English Composition I provides instruction in writing with emphasis on grammatical correctness, acceptable usage, effective organization, expression of ideas, and research. Assigned reading, research, and expository writing are required.


English Composition II is a continuation of English Composition I with a focus on critical reading, writing, and research. Emphasis is placed on finding, evaluating, and ethically utilizing research to strengthen critical thinking skills and create substantive writing. Prerequisite: Comp I.




College Speech $  (Grades 11-12)

Public speaking is a class that is offered during the school day from Cloud County Community College. Speech is a required class in college, so students find the experience less stressful to take speech from CCCC, as the class is smaller and they are in a familiar setting. Several speeches are given along with a variety of communication activities.