Band  (Grades 9-12)

In the fall semester, the band serves as the Irish Marching Band appearing at all home Varsity football games. In addition, they perform at local parades (including the Labor Day parade), as well as any local pep rallies. The Chapman Marching Irish attend festivals within the state from the High Plains Marching Festival at Fort Hays State University to the Kansas State Fair. After the marching season is complete, the band shifts into the pep band for all home Varsity basketball games (boys and girls). Performances outside of the athletic band commitments include the Winter Band Concert, District Band Night, FFA BBQ Concert, and Commencement. The CHS Concert Band performs annually at State Large Group contest. Other performance opportunities that individual students can participate in may include: District and State Band auditions, Solo and Ensemble Contest, KSU Concert Band Clinic, KWU Honor Band, NCKL League Band, State and International Lion’s Band, and Kansas Shrine Bowl. For more information about the band program at Chapman High School, please contact Kirsten Smallwood at



Women’s Chorale  (Grades 9-10)

All Choir classes are year-long courses. The Women’s Chorale is taught by Mrs. McGuffin. The group consists of freshman and sophomore sopranos and altos; however, it is open to juniors and seniors who are new to choir or cannot fit choir into their schedule second period. Course content includes basic skills of good singing and stage performance, elements of music theory, and the study of music reading. Choir members are required to perform at Fall, Winter, and Spring Concerts. Members are also required to participate in State Large Ensemble Competition in April. NOTE: At no time is a student required to sing alone in front of a group unless they wish to do so. Our focus is group singing.
Added opportunities that are NOT required: Auditions for District and State Honor Choir, Solo and Ensemble Competition, solo performances during concerts, travel to cities to see plays and concerts, and community performances during which students can earn service points that will help fulfill new graduation requirements.
If you have any questions about Choir Classes, please email or text Mrs. McGuffin and she is glad to speak with you at any time. Texting is a great way to get a hold of her in a hurry!

Cell: (785) 477-8823



Men’s Chorale  (Grades 9-10)

All Choir classes are year-long courses. The Men’s Chorale is taught by Mrs. McGuffin. The group consists of freshman and sophomore tenors and basses; however, it is open to juniors and seniors who are new to choir or cannot fit choir into their schedule second period. Course content includes basic skills of good singing and stage performance, elements of music theory, and the study of music reading. Choir members are required to perform at Fall, Winter, and Spring Concerts. Members are also required to participate in State Large Ensemble Competition in April. NOTE: At no time is a student required to sing alone in front of a group unless they wish to do so. Our focus is group singing.
Added opportunities that are NOT required: Auditions for District and State Honor Choir, Solo and Ensemble Competition, solo performances during concerts, travel to cities to see plays and concerts, and community performances during which students can earn service points that will help complete new graduation requirements.
If you have any questions about Choir Classes, please email or text Mrs. McGuffin and she is glad to speak with you at any time. Texting is a great way to get a hold of her in a hurry!

Cell: (785) 477-8823

Concert Choir  (Grades 11-12)

All Choir classes are year-long courses. Concert Choir is taught by Mrs. McGuffin. The group consists of juniors and seniors and members of Select Ensemble.
Prior requirements to enroll in Concert Choir: You must have at least one year enrolled in a previous choir to join unless you obtain special permission from Mrs. McGuffin. Juniors and Seniors who do not meet requirements to enroll are welcome to join Men’s Chorale or Women’s Chorale. Course content includes basic skills of good singing and stage performance, elements of music theory, and the study of music reading. Choir members are required to perform at Fall, Winter, and Spring Concerts. Members are also required to participate in State Large Ensemble Competition in April. NOTE: At no time is a student required to sing alone in front of a group unless they wish to do so. Our focus is group singing.
Added opportunities that are NOT required: Auditions for District and State Honor Choir, Solo and Ensemble Competition, solo performances during concerts, travel to cities to see plays and concerts, and community performances during which students can earn service points that will help complete new graduation requirements.
If you have any questions about Choir Classes, please email or text Mrs. McGuffin and she is glad to speak with you at any time. Texting is a great way to get a hold of her in a hurry!
Cell: (785) 477-8823